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AutismEMS Newswire

AutismEMS provides limited news and information related to autism spectrum disorders developments that may be of interest to EMS professionals and persons in related fields.  The AutismEMS Newswire provides recent archives of these developments.  News articles first appear under the "News" section of our homepage.  If you are aware of credible news or information about ASDs that affect EMS providers, please bring it to our attention at autismems@verizon.net

Please note:  Many news features include a summary of the news and a link to one or more external source.  Links to external sources are highlighted in grey and are identified by an astrick (*).  *The content of the information of external links are the sole responsibility of the publisher of the respective website or those they identify.  The link will open in a new window.  Please advise us of non-functioning links (autismems@verizon.net).  Thank you!



Study igniting fear of MMR-Autism link retracted by Lancet    (Date, 2010)

A 1998 study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, et al., published in the British medical journal Lancet, that first suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism spectrum disorders and ignited global concern was fully retracted by publication on February 3rd, after the General Medical Council (the medical regulatory agency for Britain) ruled that Wakefield had acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly.” 

»The Wall Street Journal article*

CDC updates ASD prevalence estimates in American children (age 8):           Latest official CDC estimate:  1 in 110                                (December 18, 2009)

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in every 110 American children, age 8, are affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder, based on data collected from the ADDM (Autism and Developmental Disability Monitoring) Network survellence (11 sites), collected in the year 2006 [1].  The 1 in 110 estimate replaced the previous estimate of 1 in 150, published in 2007 (based on data collected from ADDM Network, 16 sites, 2002) [2].   The data further shows that the male to female ratio, previously described as 4.3 to 1 is now 4.5 males to 1 female [1].  The report was released in the December 18, 2009 edition of the MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) and reflects a predicted increase in the prevalence of ASDs. 

»The report can be accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5810a1.htm*


Recent parent report of children diagnosed with ASDs in U.S. reflects prevalence rate of 1 in 91 children (ages 3-17)                     (October 5, 2009)

Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, recently released a report that reviewed the prevelence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the United States, based on parent reporting.  The study indicates that approximately 1 in 91 children, age 3 to 17, were currently diagnosed with an ASD when data was collected in 2007 [1]. This is a significant increase from the most recent data reported by the Centers for Disease Control indicating approximately 1:150 eight year old children are affected by an ASD [2].  While data collection methods and age ranges differ, it is strongly indicative that ASDs are more prevalent than previously reported.  The CDC is expected to update the ADDM survellence data in the next several months, and it is expected to be closer to the prevalence rate as reported in Pediatrics.